The remarkable lessons of the behavioural sciences distilled into practical, evidence-based insights you can REALLY use in your business
Many of the hurdles you, or your business, face are behavioural: How can I build client relationships? How do I ensure good decisions? How do I enable my team to perform? How do I attract and keep talent? Questions like these are why behavioural sciences research is so relevant and so accessible. It's fun, too. But, to solve the personal, organisational, relationship, and performance challenges, it must also be practical.
With 20+ years' experience in the financial services industry, Herman understands what is essential for businesses. From maintaining robust beliefs and consistent decision making, to building client relationships and managing team dynamics, he has applied the behavioural treatment to the thorniest of business challenges to provide audiences with practical, evidence-based solutions. He will leave delegates with ideas they can enact immediately and some they can roll out in the days and weeks ahead.
Herman is the co-author of The Trust Mandate: The behavioural science behind how asset managers REALLY win and keep clients (2018) and co-authored and lectures Advanced Valuation in Financial Markets, an investment course developed for the Edinburgh Business School, where he is an Associate Academic.
In addition, he is an international faculty member of the Investments & Wealth Institute and the Portfolio Construction Forum, education and CIMA certification bodies in the US and Australia & New Zealand, respectively. As a Senior Fellow of the Center for Board Certified Fiduciaries in the US, he also researches and teaches Behavioural Ethics.

Credits: Kennevia Photography

The Trust Mandate
The behavioural science behind how asset managers REALLY win and keep clients
Herman Brodie & Klaus Harnack
“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” - Theodore Roosevelt
"Backed by compelling data and research from multiple disciplines, The Trust Mandate breaks open the science of trust for asset managers, revealing the systematic steps clients take in their search for evidence of good intentions - the essential, but often missing, component in business relationships."
- Harriman House
Ten Best Business Books of 2018 for Financial Advisors
- WealthManagement.com

Holly MacKay - CEO & Founder, Boring Money
Herman had a fresh approach on the subject of trust - he was able to articulate and unpack this in a way which was super-engaing and thought-provoking for our delegates.
Ray Jaramis - Head of Advice, Pivot Wealth
Herman is still one of my all-time favourite sessions - of any event ever - when he did 'The Trust Mandate' in Sydney
Martin Bamford - CEO, Bamford Media
Herman is a delight to work with. He knows his stuff and delivers insightful content in an engaging and exciting way. One of the biggest challenges as a financial services conference organiser to find new and interesting speakers, which is a test Herman easily passes. I would not hesitate to recommend him to other event organisers who need to lift their speaker agenda with the leading expert on trust.
Devin Ekberg - Chief Learning Officer | Managing Director of Professional Development, Investments & Wealth Institute
The best part of my role at Investments & Wealth Institute is working with the smartest people in the world, including this guy right here.
David Pugh - CEO, The Fry Group
Herman Brodie you are without question the “trust” expert. I can’t recommend your work highly enough.

Simon Kay - Business Development Manager, Psigma Investment Management
Simply put, Herman is an outstanding communicator. When we've worked together, delegates' feedback was uniformly positive, specific comments around Herman's insightfulness, clarity and delivery being particularly noteworthy
Kate Ross - Director of Academy, XY Planning Network
Herman is a pleasure to work with; he is extremely knowledgeable and presents concepts that can be difficult to discuss in a thoughtful and respectful way. I was impressed with him as a speaker and appreciated his ability to tailor his presentation to be specifically relevant to the audience.
Alexey Persits, CFA - Principal, European Bank of Reconstruction & Development
"I took the course 'A practical history of financial markets' and the most memorable lecture was the one on behavioral finance, delivered by Herman. I highly recommend to listen to this lecture and read Herman's writing on the subject, it's impactful, and not less important, fun."

Graham Rich - Managing Partner & Dean,
Portfolio Construction Forum
Herman Brodie is a globally unique subject matter expert. He merges academic and technical expertise with an exceptionally clear communication style and an effervescent personality.
My role involves managing a faculty of exceptional academics, consultants, professional investors and investment advisers who present at a wide range of our educational programs. In the context of my experience, Herman is a standout presenter and wonderful to work with.
All-in-all, Herman is a truly compelling professional who would bring value to delegates at any financial services event.
Peter Scott - Partner, Mudita Management
“I attended the Practical History of Financial Markets course last week (October 2022]. I just wanted to say thank you for a superb presentation! I have a PhD in behavioural economics myself, so I was pretty familiar with the concepts you covered. Nevertheless it was a tour de force - wonderfully delivered and well thought-out. As well as having a particularly engaging speaking style, you did a great job at connecting all of the psychological insights to investing/ investment decision-making, which isn't easy. Too often the material can become more like a bunch of disconnected anomalies which don't relate as well as they could to what people do in their day to day roles. Not so in your case - we were all left with greater understanding of the underlying concepts and specific ways in which these can help us improve in our roles.