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The hidden motives of investment teams (and how to take advantage of them)

Following his promotion to the head the institution, he single-handedly transformed a decision-making process that had been in place for over 140 years. The organizational change was dramatic, and so profound that it persisted some 70 years after his departure. And it only took him five years. If he can do that, then any change that you want to bring to your team’s decision process must be achievable.

Who was this maestro? Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone. And the institution? The US Supreme Court.

Herman Brodie will talk about Stone, change management, decision-making groups, and the hidden motives of investment teams, at the opening keynote of the 2019 Investment Advisor Forum in New York City, February 11-12, 2019. Secure your place at the premier technical investment conference for advisors, or contact us to book an event of your own.


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